Pool Costa Del sol

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Frequently asked questions

How often should I service my pool heater?

We recommend regular maintenance and servicing of your pool heater at least once a year. This ensures that the heater operates efficiently, maintains its longevity, and provides optimal performance when you need it.

Can you provide an estimate for the service before scheduling?

Absolutely! Before scheduling a service, we can provide you with a detailed estimate outlining the anticipated costs for the specific service or repair needed. We believe in transparency and want to ensure you have a clear understanding of the service charges upfront.

Do you run service calls on the weekends?

Yes, Eco Pool Heaters is dedicated to providing service calls on weekends as well. We understand the importance of flexibility and convenience, especially when it comes to maintaining and servicing your pool. Our team is available to assist you not only during weekdays but also on weekends to ensure your pool functions optimally and that your needs are met, regardless of the day. We value sustainability and efficiency, aligning with your commitment to a sustainable ecosystem in your building.

Do I need to be at home for a service call?

Yes, it's preferable for you to be at home during a service call by Eco Pool Heaters. Being present allows for direct communication with our technicians, enabling a thorough understanding of the service being performed and any specific concerns you may have. Additionally, if any decisions or approvals are needed during the service, your immediate input can expedite the process and ensure that the service is aligned with your preferences and requirements. Your presence helps us provide you with the best possible service experience.If you have set up a credit card on file with our accounting department, you do not necessarily need to be at home for us to perform the service. This streamlined process allows us to proceed with the service efficiently, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you. We prioritize convenience and aim to accommodate your schedule and preferences while delivering top-notch service for your pool

Can I provide my own parts?

Yes, you have the option to provide your own parts for the pool services offered by Eco Pool Heaters. If you prefer to supply specific parts for installation or repair, we will accommodate your request. However, we recommend discussing the details and compatibility of the parts with our team to ensure they are suitable and align with the service requirements. Our ultimate goal is to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the service while meeting your preferences and specifications.

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